Editorials & Extras

Friday, December 3, 2010

Would-Be Shooter Charged With Reckless Endangerment

"SUFFIELD, CT — A local man who police say pointed a pistol at his wife Thursday night faces a reckless endangement charge.

"Bernice `Bernie` Gooch, 51, of 815 Suffield Street was charged with first-degree reckless endangerment and second-degree threatening after the incident, which happened about 8:30 p.m., police said.

"According to police, Gooch pointed the gun at his wife, threatened to kill her and threatened to kill himself. The woman was able to get out of the house safely.

"Police recovered a .44-caliber pistol at the home, they said.

"Gooch was in custody overnight on $250,000 bail and was scheduled to appear in Superior Court in Enfield on Friday."

From ctnow.com...

1 comment:

  1. 'Tis the season? We so rarely get stories like these that when we do, they stand out conspicuously.

    However, as we all know, restraining orders get violated and one day the ex shows up again, with deadly results.

    Hopefully this won't happen, but we've got our eyes on you, Bernie. Get over it.
