Editorials & Extras

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Limited Details Available On Murder/Suicide

"LUVERNE, AL - Crenshaw County Sheriff's Deputies are investigating an apparent murder-suicide case from the weekend.

"Police say the deaths occurred at a home on South Gravel Drive Saturday just outside the city limits of Luverne.

"Details are limited, but authorities say the deaths are linked to a domestic dispute between a man and woman.

"The dispute escalated to violence, at which point shots were fired.

"No other information is being released at this time."

From WFSA.com...

1 comment:

  1. It needs to really be investigated not just as a domestic violence and then let it go. she was leaving him and his family told him that she was leaving he was in the hospital(someone had to go get him from the hospital-he totaled their car that week) and he got out just to kill her he didn't shoot her just once but 5 times and the family members that say he is such a great guy, he murdered this young woman(just turned 28) that has 2 babies that wanted their momma more than anything. Nothing will bring her back but some people need to admit fault in standing by and not trying to stop this. It was his parents house( if it was my house I don't have any problems telling you look this isn't working you fight to much ya'll need to get out of my house and separate.)He has a history of this his parents new what he would do something to hurt her they knew his threats they just didn't think he would really kill her maybe just beat her up well I'm letting you know what you did was wrong and God will judge you right along with Chris and whoever condoned his behavior. I know people make mistakes but I will never forgive him he took a mother a wife a best friend a sister and a daughter without even thinking about it. And thank God her babies weren't anywhere close to you cause he would have hurt them just to hurt Her thats was evil does. Think about this and see how it makes you feel if it was your daughter or best friend.
