Editorials & Extras

Monday, November 25, 2013

Deadly Love

"MILLINGTON, TN — Two people were found dead at a house in Millington Monday morning. One of the victims is confirmed to be an art teacher from Millington Central High School.

"The Millington Police Department is investigating the deaths as a murder-suicide.

"According to family members, Amy Lange and her estranged husband, Mark Perry, were found dead at a home located on 3829 Oakhurst Avenue.

"Lange was highly regarded as a Shelby County Schools teacher. She was previously honored as MCHS Teacher of the Year, as well as SCS Teacher of the Year.

"Mark Perry's father, James, said his son was struggling with the couple's breakup. The two were estranged, but still legally married.

"`Well it hurts, but I mean, it wasn't unexpected,` he said. `He truly, truly, truly loved that woman. That's what killed them both.`"

Full story at wmctv.com...


  1. What killed them both was Mark Perry! Amy worked and put him through school so. he might have a career. They grew apart and Amy wanted a divorce. He murdered her in cold blood period! She was trying to move on and start fresh. Mark was a selfish coward to do this. Amy was too good for trash like Perry. I knew that when I met him.

  2. it terable sad thing to happen but it does no good to speak ill of the dead i feel so sorry for both their families i only met Amy once Mark had been a good friend for many years im so sorry im criying
