Editorials & Extras

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Slasher Kills Wife, Botches Suicide

"LITTLE ROCK, AR — Late Thursday Little Rock police said a man killed his wife with a knife, and then tried to take his own life.

"According to a LRPD report 43-year-old Jose Carlos Romero cut his wife's throat Thursday around 11 pm, then did the same to himself before running away from their home.

"Police know all of this because the couple's child made the 911 call after watching it unfold.

"Romero remains under medical care from a self-inflicted laceration to his throat.

"Crime scene investigators continued to work around his home on 6924 Grace Road Friday, where 39-year-old Rosa Castro Orellana was found dead.

"`I was very shocked because I had no clue. It makes me scared for my kids, and I don't know what's going to happen next,` said neighbor Anite Duke.

"Duke's grandparents lived on this street while she was growing up, and now she calls it home. She said she's met the suspect, Romero, before and their kids are friends.

"The murder took on an additional shock, when she learned it was one of those children that made the call for help.

"`It's very disturbing because it's very traumatic for the kids. I know that I wouldn't want my children to experience anything like that because it effects them the rest of their life,` Duke added."

From katv.com...

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