Sunday, May 1, 2011

April Murder, May Suicide

"ELKO, NV — Police say a man sought in connection with an Elko homicide was found dead in a North Las Vegas motel room one day after the alleged murder.

"Police Capt. Will Lehman tells the Elko Daily Free Press that 53-year-old David Michael Heinzig was found dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound early Sunday.

"Heinzig was a suspect in the Saturday shooting death of his ex-wife, 42-year-old Mary Inman. She died from an apparent gunshot wound while working at Smith Power Products, 4900 Idaho Street in Elko.

"Police say Inman had previously been threatened by Heinzig. The couple divorced last year.

"Heinzig's car was located in Las Vegas about 2 a.m.

"Lehman says police evacuated adjoining rooms and ordered Heinzig to come out. When he didn't respond, officers entered and found him dead."

From the Daily Reporter...


  1. This man was sick and had NO motive for killing my mother. He has ruined everything in my life, and I'm glad he killed himself. He took away a piece of my heart and I wish I could take something of his, but I can't. David had also been cyber stalking my mother and just stalking her in general for about 6 months before she died, my mom had a restraining order on him, this should have NEVER happened. He was a sick excuse for a man and took the cowards way out. I wish we could rewind, but we can't. We all have to live without my mom for the rest of our lives and is not going to be very easy. I hope this douche bag is rotting in hell...

    1. Says the person who not only got filthy rich but ruined a good man in the process your mother was a lying narcissist

  2. so sorry for the death of your mother. I was a classmate of David's in Laverne< oklahoma. We just had our 35th class reunion and know one new what had happen to him. The Class of 76 truly regret your loss

  3. It's a sad thing when death happens. And even more sad that everyone blamed Dave for this. No one will know the details of marys narsacistic rage and the terrible manipulative things she did to him while they were married and after the divorce. No one deserves the fate these two suffered but Mary was not an "innocent" victim. Her family cries tears after she's gone but they won't admit the truth that all her children disliked her and her views and they even chose to live with there fathe over her at any time because they couldn't handle her controlling vindictive attitude. Sad things happen in this world but everything has a cause and effect.

    1. cause and effect is going to be right if you ever post anything on this or any other blog again about mary inman. i will personally show you what crazy is and trust me i do know where you live.

    2. I know she's the reason I never got to meet him thank you for still before true

  4. i'll be anonyomous too but i bet you know who i am.November 2, 2012 at 1:21 PM

    Wow. I cannot believe someone would blame Mary for her death. I don't care what the situation was noone deserves that. Let me tell you a little about Dave and his family. Dave was a disgusting alcoholic who was mean, deceptive, and controlling. Everybody who knew Dave hated him except his ex-wife and kids. Co-workers and the community couldn't stand him. His ex-wife never got over the fact that she was disgusting, fat and ugly (sorry, those were dave's words) and Dave left her for Mary. She held on and was the first in line to cash in his retirement, probably thought she would get the life insurance but life insurance typically doesn't pay for stupid idiots who kill themselves. And here's a little tid-bit Dave spent many years in the Oklahoma department of corrections which he failed to inform Mary of. he was sick and witnessed the death of one his children and now I am pretty sure Dave probably killed him as well. And as for her children disliking her, maybe you should as them that. her children wanted nothing to do with dave and would not live with her because dave was sick and demented. it's pretty bad when the local funeral home refuses service to someone. dave and his family are getting what they deserve with the ridicule and its pretty funny how i have never heard anyone else say anything bad about mary except dave and his family. if i had to do it over again i would have blown dave away myself. i mean it is pretty pathetic when you divorce someone and they just can't let it go. rather than move on they feel the need to take a life and their own, i think dave's actions have spoken more than words--he was a pathetic loser who took a beautiful, vivacious, caring, loved woman out of the world. now we can continue this little blog and I will make you feel like the peice of shit you are for writing that comment. and i know some pretty personal shit about dave and his family so if you don't want all of your dirty laundry aired on this blof i suggest you keep your f****** mouth shut.
