Monday, December 31, 2012
Killer Found Bloody And Unconscious In Car
"AUSTIN, TX — An Austin man tried to kill himself after police say he killed his girlfriend.
"Cassandra Clark's body was discovered Sunday at the Lantana Ridge Apartments on William Cannon Drive near Southwest Parkway in Southwest Austin.
"Police say 37-year-old Ryan Kyle Clarke tried to kill himself at a Williamson County park Saturday night. They are not related.
"A Williamson County Sheriff Deputy saw an unconscious Clarke in his car covered in blood with a knife in his right hand and his left wrist cut.
"Clarke was taken to Seton Medical Center. There, he admitted to a social worker that he hurt someone. That social worker called 911 and that's how police found Cassandra Clark's body in the bedroom.
"Police say there were obvious signs on trauma all over the victim's body which was in the bedroom. Police also described the scene as a `violent bloodletting event.`
"Police say the two were dating and moved to Austin from Wisconsin.
"It was also not the first time for police to be at that apartment. In April of 2011, an officer responded after the two were fighting and Clarke apparently threw something at Cassandra's head.
"That officer said the apartment was in shambles. He saw a couch was overturned and a table knocked over."
From KTBC...
Killer Called Family To Say Goodbye Before Murder/Suicide
"TURKEY, NC — A Sampson County father who saved his 8-year-old daughter from their burning house in 2002 is suspected of killing her Sunday and then committing suicide, according to family members.
"Sampson County deputies found Carlos Vasquez, 39, dead inside his house at at 3660 New Hope Church Road in Turkey on Sunday night, along with Itzel Vasquez, now 18, of 1342 Seabrook School Road in Fayetteville.
"The sheriff's office said the two were related, but declined to provide specifics about their relationship or how they died.
"Family members said Carlos Vasquez shot his daughter and then turned the gun on himself.
"`It hurts. Two people in my family died,` relative Jonathan Vasquez said.
"Carlos Vasquez had recently separated from his second wife, who went to Texas with their two children and was scheduled to return Sunday, relatives said. For some reason, she changed her mind.
"`She was coming, and she stopped in Atlanta,` Jonathan Vasquez said. `From there, she said she was thinking about it and said she was going back (to Texas).`
"The separation was too much for Carlos Vasquez to handle, relatives said, noting that there were wrapped presents for his wife and children still under the Christmas tree in his home. He called family members Sunday to tell them goodbye.
"`That's why all my uncles and aunts came, but when they got here, he was already dead,` Jonathan Vasquez said. `It ain't the first time that he said (he planned to kill himself). He said it a lot of times already.`"
From WRAL...
Couple May Have Been Dead Since Christmas
"MAYWOOD, MO — Marion County Sheriff Jimmy Shinn said the deaths of a man and his wife southwest of Maywood are being investigated as a murder-suicide.
"David E. Lavingon, 67, and Kathy Jo Lavingon, 59, were found by friends Sunday at their home at 560 Highway A. The couple were found in the master bedroom of the residence with gunshot wounds to their chests. A handgun was found at the scene.
"Shinn said a pathology report from Boone County indicates that David Lavingon `was the shooter.`
"`We have no motive at this time. We're digging into paperwork because it didn't make sense. There's no illnesses that we know of ... or other signs of problems,` Shinn said.
"Shinn said investigators learned from a Lavingon family member and family friends that the last communications from the Lavingons were the night of Dec. 25.
"Neighbors who live only a short distance away said Monday morning that they didn't know deputies had been called to the Lavingon home and had conducted an investigation.
"David Lavingon operated Golden Pond Appraisal Services. A sign at the edge of the Lavingon property identified it as Golden Pond. Shinn said David Lavingon also had been a banker at one time.
"David Lavingon's funeral arrangements are being handled by Zehender Robinson Stormer Cookson Funeral Home in Quincy. Kathy Lavingon's arrangements are being handled by a funeral home in Macomb, Ill."
911 Caller Found Bodies At Scene Of Murder/Suicide
"CHAMPAIGN, IL — Two people are dead in what police believe was a murder-suicide in Champaign early Monday morning.
"Champaign police responded to a 911 call about a shooting in the 1500 block of Honeysuckle Lane at 6:22 a.m. When they arrived, officers found a man and a woman with gunshot wounds. Both were later pronounced dead; one was pronounced dead at the scene and the other at Carle Foundation Hospital in Urbana.
"No names are being released at this time. Police indicated the incident is believed to be a murder-suicide. Champaign Sgt. Robert Rea said police are not looking for any suspects and do not believe there is any danger to the community.
"Three children—ages 12, 10 and 3 months—were taken from the house and placed in the custody of family members. Counseling services were called to the scene.
"Police said the 911 call originated from the residence. The caller reported hearing an argument and then finding one victim. Shortly thereafter, the caller reported hearing another gunshot and finding a second subject with an apparent gunshot wound."
From The News-Gazette...
Bundles Of Marijuana Found With Bodies
"ALTON, TX — Alton police responded to a murder-suicide Sunday involving a male and female, both in their early 20s, at a residence near Alton Boulevard and Mile 4 Line.
"Police Chief Enrique Sotelo said the deaths were believed to have occurred about 7 a.m. After several calls from family members went unanswered throughout the day, a relative visited the house and saw the two bodies through a window.
"The female victim had two gunshot wounds and the male had a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, Sotelo said. In the course of investigating the two deaths, police also found about 200 pounds of marijuana in the house, packed into 11 large bundles.
"Sotelo said police have not established a motive for the shooting or any connection between the drugs and the deaths.
"`It could have been one of those deals where they had been out at a gathering and maybe things escalated once they got home,` he said. `It’s a little early to tell still.`"
From The Monitor...
Sunday, December 30, 2012
No Known Motive In Double Murder/Suicide
"WICHITA, KS — Wichita Police said a triple shooting will be investigated as a double murder suicide.
"Police were called to check the residence at 337 North Ash after a man spotted three bodies inside a converted apartment house Saturday afternoon. Officers are not looking for any suspects.
"A weapon was recovered at the scene, but its not known if that was the gun used in the shooting. So far, no names have been released. Police will release more information at Monday's briefing.
"Two women were taken downtown by a detective for questioning about the suspicious deaths.
"`They are familiar with occupants inside of the house,` said Wichita Police Cpt. Hassan Ramzah.
"Additional residents of the house are also being interviewed. A motive is not known.
"The home was converted into several apartments. A 47 year-old man called police to check the residence about noon Saturday.
"`The victims were found in the upper portion of the house,` Ramzah said. `It appears some type of disturbance may have occurred inside the residence sometime earlier in the day.`"
hat trick,
Woman Survives Attempted Murder/Suicide
"PROVIDENCE VILLAGE, TX — Denton County sheriff's deputies responding to a 911 hangup found a man dead and his wife seriously wounded late Saturday in what authorities called an attempted murder/suicide.
"The couple's 23-year-old daughter, who is mentally challenged, was in the home but was not injured.
"The man, 50, was described as the gunman. His identity was not immediately released pending notification of relatives, according to an official at the Tarrant County medical examiner's office.
"Deputies were dispatched shortly before 11:30 p.m. Saturday to the home in the 1300 block of Oakcrest in Providence Village, which is a few miles east of Denton and north of U.S. 380.
"As they arrived, they heard gunshots, according to a Denton County sheriff's office news release.
"Once they got inside the home, deputies found the man, who had committed suicide with a handgun, Sheriff's Department spokesman Tom Reedy said in the news release.
"Before he shot himself, the suspect shot his 48-year-old wife in the abdomen, Reedy said. She was taken by helicopter ambulance to Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. Her condition was unavailable Sunday afternoon.
"The couple's daughter was placed in the custody of other family members Sunday morning.
"A motive for the shooting had not been discovered, Reedy said Sunday."
Source: Star-Telegram...
"No Clear Motive" In Murder/Suicide Of Couple
"MATTAPONI, VA — Police believe that a man shot his wife to death before taking his own life on Saturday night on Elsom Mascot Road.
"King and Queen County Sheriff's Office with assistance from the Virginia State Police, West Point Police Department and King William Sheriff's Office responded to the scene at 9:15 p.m. on December 29, in reference to a possible shooting.
"Upon arriving at the home, located on Elsom Mascot Road, police found 48-year-old woman Robin Stout dead of gunshot wounds. The body of her husband, 42-year-old Thomas Stout, was also found inside the home.
"While there is no clear motive for the shooting at this point, police say that the husband and wife were the only two individuals on the premises at the time of the crime. Preliminary findings show that Mr. Stout shot Mrs. Stout with a hand gun, and then turned the gun on himself.
"Authorities [said] that the couple leaves behind a 12-year-old daughter."
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Killer Seen Lurking At Apartment Complex Before Murder/Suicide
"HOUSTON, TX — People living at the Spanish Village Apartments at 4000 Griggs Road woke up to a tragedy Saturday morning.
"They said a man stabbed his ex-girlfriend to death in one of the apartments. They believe the former couple’s two children were also inside at the time.
"Relatives identified the victim as Dalena Anderson. They said she was just hoping to begin the New Year with a new start.
"Anderson had recently broken up with her boyfriend, who was also the father of their son and daughter, ages 7 and 9.
"`It’s just horrible,` her father, Manuel Dotson, said. Dotson lives at the complex too and learned there was trouble when his grandchildren showed up at his door.
"`And they woke us up out of our sleep at seven this morning, saying that their mom and dad was fighting and she was on the floor bleeding,` he said.
"He said he rushed over to their apartment to see that his daughter had been stabbed in the heart.
"Neighbors said the man responsible was just a few blocks away at the time, and took his own life at a bus stop.
"They said they saw him lurking around and that it was no secret he had problems with drugs. Many knew him, because he did maintenance work at the complex."
Stabbing Incident Was Botched Murder/Suicide
"WAIPAHU, HI — Police are investigating an apparent attempted murder-suicide after a man allegedly stabbed a 24-year-old woman, then tried to kill himself Friday night in Waipahu.
"Emergency officials responded to a residence on Kuakahi street shortly before 9:30 p.m. after receiving reports of an apparent stabbing. Police say the man and woman live together and apparently got into an argument.
"The argument escalated and the suspect prevented the woman from leaving the residence. According to authorities, the man allegedly assaulted the victim with a `dangerous instrument`, then attempted to commit suicide.
"Police say a toddler was also in the house, but not involved in the stabbing incident.
"EMS officials transported the man and woman to a local trauma center in serious condition.
"The suspect, who remains in the hospital, was arrested on charges of second-degree attempted murder, kidnapping, and abuse of a household member."
happy ending,
Friday, December 28, 2012
Robot Locates Bodies After SWAT Standoff
"RIO, VA — Albemarle County police are now saying the standoff on 2525 Rio Mills Road Wednesday was muder-suicide.
"Police say 44-year-old Frank Davis, Jr. of Rochelle and 50-year-old James `Sonny` Marshall of Albemarle County were killed.
"Police were called to the scene after reports came in of an argument, and that one man had a gun. When police arrived, they found Davis armed inside a garage. Davis pointed a rifle at the officers, and then one officer fired at Davis.
"Police say a SWAT team then arrived to assist, and They used a special piece of equipment known as a tactical camera to view inside the home. They found Marshall dead inside the garage. Soon after, they found Davis dead also, from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.
"Albemarle County Chief of Police Steve Sellers said there was no risk to the area. `In terms of community safety and awareness, we had confirmation that we didn't believe the community was at risk,` said Sellers.
"Police are continuing their investigation."
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Nephew Reports Murder To Police Before Shooter Kills Himself
"BOYLE, MS — A murder-suicide startled the town of Boyle around noon Saturday.
"According to Bolivar County Deputy Coroner Murry Roark, the incident occurred at 116 S. Illinois Central Ave.
"Jessie Martinez, 51, shot and killed his girlfriend Polly Hart, 45, before Martinez turned the gun on himself.
"`Martinez was still alive when I arrived at the scene but he died shortly after at the Bolivar Medical Center,` said Roark.
"The plan had been to airlift Martinez to the University Medical Center in Jackson but he did not survive.
"Hart was pronounced dead at the scene.
"Roark said Martinez called his nephew and admitted to shooting Hart, then offered his belongings to the nephew and alerted him of his plan to shoot himself.
"The unnamed nephew immediately called Roark, who was the first to respond to the incident.
"The Bolivar County Sheriff's Department also arrived on scene."
From The Bolivar Commercial...
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Two Dead After "Negative History" Ends In Gunfire
"STEPHENS CITY, VA — The Frederick County Sheriff's Department is investigating after a shooting occurred Monday evening, ultimately ending two men's lives.
"Police say it happened around 5:38 p.m. at Clem's Garage on 5170 Main Street. They say two men were found shot in the business parking lot.
"Burley Puffinberger, 24, of Stephens City, Virginia, was declared dead at the scene.
"Charles Jenkins, 56, of Toms Brook, Virginia, was taken to Winchester Medical Center. He was later pronounced dead at the hospital.
"Investigators say a fight between Puffinberger and Jenkins escalated to the point where Puffinberger retrieved a firearm from his house and began shooting at Jenkins and two other people at the scene.
"Investigators say it appeared Puffinberger followed Jenkins through a parking lot, shooting him at least twice. They say Puffinberger missed the two other people he was shooting at, and within seconds of killing Jenkins, Puffinberger took his own life with a single gun shot.
"Investigators say Jenkins was Puffinberger's father-in-law. Witnesses say there was a negative history between the two.
"The Stephens City Police Department and the Frederick County Sheriff's Office say the crime scene was processed and findings will not be complete until all forensic and ballistic evidence is analyzed."
Bodies Found On Christmas Morning
"MAHANOY CITY, PA — A man and woman are dead after a murder suicide at a borough home early Christmas morning.
"The man and woman, who police did not identify pending the notification of family members, were pronounced dead at the home they shared on North 10th Street at 2:17 a.m. by Schuylkill County Deputy Coroner David Truskowsky of Mahanoy City.
"Mahanoy City Police Lt. John Kaczmarczyk said the couple were discovered after officers were called to the house around 1:20 a.m. for a report of a suicidal person.
"Arriving within minutes, Kaczmarczyk said officers found the 37-year-old man and 28-year-old woman deceased.
"The investigation determined that the man shot the woman and then turned the gun on himself, Kaczmarczyk said.
"Police did not say what caliber weapon was used or if they had any motive that led up to the deaths.
"Yellow crime scene tape surrounded the house as daylight broke Christmas morning showing a dark contrast to other homes in the area decked out in red, green and white lights.
"Kaczmarczyk said the names of the man and woman will be released as soon as police are sure the family has been notified."
Sniper Sets Trap, Shoots Four Before Killing Himself
"WEBSTER, NY — A man who set his house on fire then lured firefighters to their deaths in a blaze of flames and bullets had attracted little attention since he got out of prison in the 1990s for killing his grandmother, authorities said.
"But two months ago, William Spengler's mother died, leaving the 62-year-old ex-con in a Lake Ontario house with his sister, who he `couldn't stand,` a friend said.
"Spengler set a car and a house in his neighborhood ablaze early Monday, luring firefighters to the neighborhood and then killed two, wounded two others and injured a police officer while several homes burned around him, police said. Spengler then killed himself. His sister, Cheryl, was missing.
"Spengler, had been living in the home in Webster, a suburb of Rochester, with his mother and sister since his parole in 1998. He had served 17 years in prison after the beating death of his 92-year-old grandmother in 1980, for which he had originally been charged with murder but pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of manslaughter. His mother, Arline, died in October.
"On Monday, Spengler fired at the four firefighters when they arrived shortly after 5:30 a.m. at the blaze, town police Chief Gerald Pickering said. The first police officer who arrived chased the gunman and exchanged shots.
"Spengler lay in wait outdoors for the firefighters' arrival, then opened fire probably with a rifle and from atop an earthen berm, Pickering said. `It does appear it was a trap,` he said.
"Authorities used an armored vehicle to help residents flee dozens of homes on the shore of Lake Ontario a day before Christmas. Police restricted access to the neighborhood, and officials said it was unclear whether there were other bodies in the seven houses left to burn.
"Authorities said Spengler hadn't done anything to bring himself to their attention since his parole. As a convicted felon, he wasn't allowed to possess weapons. Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley said Spengler led a very quiet life after he got out of prison."
Source: Miami Herald...
12/25/2012 — Shooter was a "loser mama's boy"... with an AR-15...
Monday, December 24, 2012
2 Dead After Domestic Situation Goes "Horribly Wrong"
"MILLEDGEVILLE, GA — The Baldwin County Sheriff's Office is investigating an apparent murder-suicide after two people are found dead in an apartment.
"Baldwin County Coroner, John Gonzalez, says the victims are 22-year-old Jalisa Scott, and Travis Anderson, both of Baldwin County.
"According to Baldwin County Captain Brad King, a call came into the sheriff's office before noon on Monday. Scott was found shot multiple times with a gunshot wound to the head. She was inside her home at the Georgetown Village Apartments on Highway 49. Anderson was also inside. He had a single gun-shot wound to the head.
"King named Anderson as the shooter. He says it appears the two had a relationship. He called the tragedy a `domestic situation that's gone horribly wrong.`
"Gonzalez says Anderson died on the scene. Scott was taken to the Oconee Regional Medical Center where she died.
"Scott's body was sent to the GBI crime lab for an autopsy. This is still an open investigation."
From WMGT 41...
Family Dispute Ends In Murder/Suicide
"SEVIERVILLE, TN — Investigators announced Monday they believe a murder-suicide claimed the lives of two people found dead at a New Era address over the weekend.
"Shannon Whaley, 52, of 1805 New Era Road, was the woman initially found dead at the scene, Sheriff Ron Seals said. Her husband called emergency dispatchers at about 8:30 a.m. Saturday and reported he had found her dead at their home.
"Investigators found the body of William B. Davis, 51, inside a camper on the same property.
"After reviewing the evidence at the scene and talking to family members, investigators believe Davis killed Whaley and then took his own life in the camper.
"`Evidence found inside the camper indicated that Davis was the perpetrator in the murder of Whaley and he then took his own life, once the body was found by family members on Saturday morning,` Seals said in a media release.
"Davis was Whaley’s son-in-law, but the two had apparently been involved in a dispute for some time, Seals said.
"Sheriff’s deputies and agents from the Tennessee Bureau are still investigating. No cause of death has been released; Seals said they are awaiting the results of an autopsy from The University of Tennessee Forensic Center."
Another Estranged Husband With A Gun Returns
"HELPER, UT — A man who gunned down his estranged wife’s boyfriend then killed himself Sunday in this Carbon County mining community may have been driven by jealously, police said Monday.
"Police Chief Trent Anderson said Jeromie Bunch, 30, walked into his wife’s residence on Bryner Street just before 1 p.m. Sunday and confronted and fatally shot her boyfriend, James Mitchell, 31, on the home’s back porch. Bunch then walked into garage and took his own life.
"Bunch’s estranged wife, meanwhile, had rushed her two sons and Mitchell’s three daughters into a room to protect them. None of them was hurt.
"Court records show that Bunch, who lived only a few blocks away from the crime scene, had filed for divorce in August. In turn, his wife had filed for and received a protective order against Bunch at the end of November. That order was still in effect Sunday.
"`This a tragic event for this community [and] two sets of children who have lost their fathers.` Anderson said. `They’re pretty tore up about it.`
"Anderson added that Bunch previously tried to take his own life sometime around Thanksgiving, which was when police first became aware of him.
"The two boys remained in the custody of their mother; the three girls were staying with a grandmother, the chief said. All of the children were under age 9.
"By Monday morning the home—a small red and green brick structure—was blanketed in heavy snow. The curtains were drawn over the windows but the porch light was still on. A snowman decoration dangled from the mailbox."
From The Salt Lake Tribune...
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Estranged Husband Comes Home With An AR-15
"SCHAGHTICOKE, NY — State police are investigating a murder-suicide on South Hudson Avenue that happened early Sunday morning.
"At around 7:45 a.m. Sunday, estranged husband, 37-year-old Joe Fisher, went to 180 S. Hudson Ave. where his wife, Jaime, lived with their two children, said State Police Capt. Steven James during a press conference Sunday. Fisher argued with the wife's boyfriend, Chris Cammuso, 24, and eventually shot Cammuso in the house's driveway, James said.
"Fisher then forced his way into this wife's grandmother's house next door, and eventually shot himself. James said the children were present during both shootings, but would not say if they witnessed them.
"Neighbor Gary Brunick said he heard what sounded like fireworks and looked out his window to see two children who live at 180 S. Hudson outside in their pajamas. The suspect then left the house with what appeared to be a deer hunting rifle, and entered his wife's grandmother's house next door at 178 S. Hudson. Brunick then said he heard a single gunshot.
"James said Fisher used an AR-15 semi-automatic weapon, and there will be an investigation into if Fisher had a proper license and where he obtained the gun from.
"On Dec. 6, State Police had been called for a domestic incident at 180 S. Hudson Ave. But Jaime Fisher had no orders of protection against her husband."
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Hotel Clerk Killed In Attempted Murder/Suicide
"WESTMINSTER, CO — A Westminster hotel clerk was killed and the man who shot her was in critical condition late Friday after what police described as a murder-suicide attempt.
"Westminster officers were called to the Savannah Suites at 120th and Mariposa streets about 7 p.m. on reports of gunfire. They found the woman dead and the man on the first floor with a self-inflicted gunshot, department spokeswoman Chery Spottke said.
"She would not release either person's name, saying investigators were still struggling to make contact with the woman's next-of-kin. She would not say where the man was hospitalized and declined to describe his relationship to the woman.
"Hotel guests were being allowed to re-enter their rooms late Friday after being displaced, though police kept half of the first-floor cordoned off so they could investigate. Police urged patrons to enter through the doors on the west side."
Man Crashes SUV Into Home Before Murder/Suicide
"ANDERSON, IN — Two people were killed in an apparent murder-suicide in the Greenbriar division on the city’s northwest side Friday evening, authorities said.
"Mark Hope, 45, shot his ex-girlfriend Susan Kidd, 46, then himself, in Kidd’s home in the 1900 block of Tamarack Road, Madison County Coroner Ned Dunnichay said.
"At about 5 p.m., Hope reportedly drove his gray Jeep Liberty SUV into the yard of Kidd’s home and through the front door of the house, Dunnichay said.
"Hope then apparently entered the home and shot Kidd in the head before shooting himself in the head, Dunnichay said.
"Anderson Police spokesman Chad Boynton said a 40-caliber handgun was found in Hope’s hand.
"Hope and Kidd had a `rocky, off-and-on` relationship, Boynton said. He added that the two were not living together.
"Kidd filed a protective order against Hope with the Anderson Police Department in October, then retracted it about 10 days later, Boynton said.
"Boynton said there was no apparent motive for the crime, and the case is still under investigation.
"Hope, a former Anderson Fire Department paramedic, has a lengthy criminal history, including four open felony charges for theft, burglary, forgery and obtaining a controlled substance by deceit, according to public records.
"Hope was released from prison in January and placed on probation."
From The Herald Bulletin...
Warrant Leads To SWAT Standoff And Murder/Suicide
"HOUSTON, TX — Investigators identified the two victims of a murder-suicide Friday in northwest Harris County.
"The Harris County Sheriff’s Office said that Bernard Turner, 30, shot and killed his mother Lilly Turner, 53, and then turned the gun on himself after a 90 minute standoff with law enforcement officers.
"Deputies said it began when a Harris County Precinct 1 deputy constable attempted to serve a mental health arrest warrant on a Bernard Turner at the Ashton Woods Apartments, located at FM 1960 at Butte Creek.
"That is when a struggle broke out inside the unit between Turner and the deputy.
"Authorities said Turner overpowered the deputy and shot his mother who also lived in the apartment.
"At some point, the deputy managed to escape and a standoff ensued.
"The Harris County Sheriff’s SWAT team responded.
"Residents were forced to leave their apartments.
"After about 90 minutes, SWAT team members breached the apartment and discovered Turner and his mother dead inside.
"The case remains under investigation."
Woman Survives Love Triangle Shooting
"According to police, the alleged gunman first went to a home on N.W. 39th Street near McKinley Avenue sometime around 3 a.m. to confront his wife and her current boyfriend.
"Police say the woman had an active Victim Protection Order filed against her husband.
"Officers say when they arrived at the scene, they found the suspect who appeared to be holding the woman hostage in his car, and was also holding a gun to his head. Police say he then released her and then fled in his car, an older model Jaguar.
"Police began pursuing the suspect. They say the suspect shot and killed himself on Interstate 35 just south of Interstate 40 near downtown during the chase.
"Police say the suspect shot the woman's boyfriend multiple times. The boyfriend was rushed to a hospital. He was pronounced dead Friday morning. Police say this is Oklahoma City's 98th homicide of the year.
"The woman involved in this incident was also taken to a hospital due to an injury to her hand.
"Police say when the shooting occurred, there were four children ages 9, 5, 2, and 1 in the home, and they are believed to be the woman's children. They were asleep in another bedroom and were not hurt. Police say the children were taken to a shelter until family could be notified of what happened."
love triangle,
Friday, December 21, 2012
Restraining Order Fails To Stop Stalker
"TUCSON, AZ — A Tucson woman was shot and killed Thursday night by a man against whom she had a restraining order.
"Ashley Hicks, 23, was shot multiple times in the parking lot of an apartment complex at 160 N. Pantano Road just before 10:30 p.m., said Sgt. Chris Widmer, spokesman for the Tucson Police Department. She was taken to a local hospital where she died.
"`She arrived at that complex last night with some friends and when they got there the suspect was waiting for her,` Widmer said.
"After shooting Hicks, Joseph Leroy Francis, 23, drove to the the Marana home of the woman’s parents. Francis told them he killed their daughter, and left, police said.
"The parents reported the encounter to the Marana Police Department and `their investigation led them to the suspect’s home in the 2800 block of West Curtis Road,` Widmer said. `Upon Marana police arrival, they heard a single gun shot. They found our suspect in the driveway of the residence with what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was pronounced dead at the scene.`"
From the Arizona Daily Star...
I'll Be Home For Christmas
"SUMMERVILLE, SC — The killing of a 61-year-old Dorchester County woman has turned into an apparent murder-suicide investigation after her son was found dead in North Charleston this morning, authorities said.
"On Thursday, deputies were called to 151 Brandywine Drive after 61-year-old Lynda Pages’ other son found her cold, unresponsive and slumped over on a living room couch at 8:20 p.m. according to an incident report.
"The front door had been left open, and deputies noted a shell casing on the floor of the living room and a puddle of blood at Pages’ feet, deputies said. She had been shot in the eye, according to Dorchester County Coroner Chris Nisbet.
"The son, Jonathan Pages of Florida, told deputies he was planning to spend Christmas with his mother and had last spoken to her, by phone, at 9 p.m. on Wednesday. She told him his brother Bertrand Pages, 31, of North Carolina, had already arrived, a police report stated.
"A neighbor told deputies he saw a dark sport utility vehicle parked in the driveway of Pages’ home the previous evening. He and another neighbor reported hearing a loud boom at about 10 p.m. Wednesday but they did not see anything out of the ordinary.
"Jonathan Pages told deputies his brother might have killed their mother due to problems he was having, Nisbet said.
"At about 9 a.m. Friday, Bertrand Pages was found dead in his vehicle in the parking lot of a Chili’s Restaurant on Dorchester Road, about one mile from 151 Brandywine Drive, Nisbet said. It appeared he died Thursday night from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, he said.
"The deaths appear to be a murder-suicide, but it is unclear what prompted the episode, which remains under investigation by the sheriff’s office, Nisbet said."
From The Post and Courier...
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Killer Talks To Deputies Before Shooting Himself
"ORLANDO, FL — Orange County Sheriff's Office is investigating an apparent murder/suicide in the Conway area on Thursday evening.
"According to OCSO, a family member of a man living on Evander Drive near Gatlin Avenue reported they received a call at around 4 p.m. from the man saying he killed someone and threatened to kill himself.
"Deputies rushed to the home and said they were able to communicate with the person inside the house for short time, then at some point they heard a gunshot and they were no longer able to communicate with the person inside.
"Deputies went into the home and found the victims inside the garage of the home Thursday night. The victims' names haven't been released.
"The investigation is active and ongoing.
"No details, including the cause of the deaths, have been released."
"Person Of Interest" In Fatal Stabbing Found Dead
"BALTIMORE, MD — A 20-year-old woman was stabbed to death in Baltimore on Thursday, hours before a man, considered a "person of interest" in her killing, was found dead from an apparent suicide in Baltimore County, police said.
"Police said Thursday evening that it was too early in the investigation to know whether the deaths were the result of a murder-suicide, but are investigating what connections exist between the man and woman.
"City police responded to the 200 block of Atholgate Lane in the city's Ten Hills neighborhood about 12:30 p.m. after a 911 caller requested help and found the woman unresponsive and `suffering from what appeared to be multiple stab wounds` inside a home, said Anthony Guglielmi, a police spokesman.
"As detectives were conducting their investigation, they received word that Baltimore County police were searching for a man possibly linked to the killing in the 5500 block of Baltimore National Pike, in the Woodlawn area.
"At 4:21 p.m., the man was found there by emergency crews inside a vacant office building, Baltimore County police said.
"The man was dead from an `apparent suicide,` police said.
"Guglielmi said he believed the man had hanged himself.
"`Our detectives are now going over there to put all the pieces together to determine what relation he has, if any, to this murder,` Guglielmi said."
Source: Baltimore Sun...
House Fire That Killed Two Was Murder/Suicide
"SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ — Authorities are now classifying the deaths of a mother and her 3-year-old son in a house fire in Scotch Plains as a homicide-suicide.
"Katherine Halverson, 32, and her son, Jeremy Scott McDonald Jr., were at first thought to have died after getting caught in the fire in their home Tuesday night.
"But following an autopsy conducted this morning, authorities now say Halverson took her son to a small second-floor bedroom, where she set fire to the room, Union County Prosecutor Theodore Romankow announced this afternoon. The county homicide task force is investigating with Scotch Plains Police, and no possible motive for the killing was announced.
"At a press conference late this afternoon at Scotch Plains Police headquarters, Police Chief Brian Mahoney said Halverson `placed material, like rags in front of the door then poured an accelerant on the rags and lit them on fire.` He said the fire was contained to one side of the door, and was easily doused.
"An autopsy on Halverson and her son revealed both died of smoke inhalation, more specifically from asphyxiation due to inhalation of combustible materials.
"The mother and child were found in the same bedroom shortly after 7:15 p.m., when the fire department was first dispatched to the home on 1918 Church Avenue.
"The family dog, which also died, was found in the same bedroom, authorities said."
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Bodies Found In Locked Home
"LUMBERTON, NC — The Robeson County Sheriff's Office is investigating the deaths of two people whose bodies were found in a mobile home on Thomas Drive Tuesday afternoon.
"Dead are Laurie Wheeler, 31, of 81 Thomas Drive, Lumberton; and James Moore, 46, of 303 Lee Circle, Lumberton, according to Sheriff Kenneth Sealey.
"This morning investigators are trying to determine if they were dealing with a double murder or a murder-suicide.
"Sealey described Wheeler and Moore as boyfriend and girlfriend.
"The Sheriff's Office received a 911 call about 3:30 p.m. from the sister of one of the deceased after she found the bodies.
"`She went to visit her sister,` he said. `She was bringing one of the victim's children home and found them both in the home, shot.`
"Sealey said he didn't know what type of weapon was used. It appears, he said, that it may have been a murder-suicide.
"The house had not been broken into, Sealey said, and the house was locked and secured until the sister visited the home.
"`We received information that they argued a lot, and they had over the last day or so,` he said."
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Four Die During 911 Call
"LONGMONT, CO — An early-morning shooting in unincorporated Weld County has left four dead, Weld County Sheriff's spokesman Tim Schwartz says.
"Schwartz says the shooting is an apparent murder-suicide. The sheriff's office is still investigating.
"Schwartz says the incident started at about 4 a.m., when a dispatcher received an emergency call from a woman at 11464 Hot Spring, located in a mobile home park northwest of Highway 119 and County Road 3 1/2.
"The caller, a woman, gave the address, Schwartz says, after which the dispatcher heard the caller say, `No, no, no.` The dispatcher then heard gunshots.
"`A male gets on the phone,` Schwartz says, `says he's going to kill himself.` Then the dispatcher heard another gunshot.
"Schwartz says Weld County's S.W.A.T. team arrived to find four bodies; three are adults, one is not yet identified as an adult or teenager.
"One handgun was found on the scene and had been fired multiple times."
Source: Boulder Weekly...
12/19/2012 — Shooter had just been released from jail...
Monday, December 17, 2012
Bodies Of Three Found In Rural Home
"CLAY COUNTY, MO — Three bodies found Monday inside a rural Clay County home east of Smithville Lake are the victims of an apparent double murder and suicide, authorities said.
"Deputies were called to the residence in the 19000 block of Neth Road about 9 a.m., after a family friend reported seeing a body and blood through a backdoor window. The friend went to check on the family after not being able to reach anyone there, said Clay County Sheriff Bob Boydston.
"Boydston described the dead as a 14-year-old boy, a woman in her 40s who was the boy’s cousin, and the woman’s husband. They apparently died Thursday or Friday, officials said. Each had been shot in the head.
"Their names have not been released pending notification of relatives.
"The woman and boy were found in separate bedrooms, apparently killed by the woman’s husband. His body was on the kitchen floor near the back door of the home, which sits amid farmland north of Missouri 92, Boydston said.
"Officials would not discuss whether they found a suicide note, but they said they had recovered prescription drugs and found more than 10 firearms, including an assortment of revolvers, long-barreled firearms and semi-automatic weapons.
"The weapon that investigators think was used in the shootings was found near the man. No weapons were found near the two other bodies, Boydston said."
Relatives Discover Bodies In Home
"BUTLER TWP, PA — A husband and wife were found dead inside a house on East Butler Drive early Monday morning in what the Luzerne County Coroner’s Office believes was a murder/suicide.
"Acting Coroner William Lisman identified the couple as John J. Walton, 51, and Stacy A. Walton, 41.
"Autopsies by forensic pathologist Dr. Mary Pascucci at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital revealed the couple died from gunshot wounds.
"`We’re not ready to make a determination on who was the perpetrator,` Lisman said.
"Township police Chief Dave Pavelko said the bodies were found in the same room inside 470 E. Butler Drive. Lisman pronounced John and Stacy dead at 9:40 a.m.
"Two family members discovered the bodies when they went looking for Stacy, Lisman said."
12/20/2012 — Detailed description of investigation...
Three Dead In Parking Lot After Counseling Session
"GRAND RAPIDS, MI — Three people were killed Monday, Dec. 17, in a murder-suicide on the city's Northeast Side.
"The shooting occurred inside a minivan outside of Arbor Circle Counseling Center where two of them had just finished a counseling session, police said.
"Police said the it appears that a 27-year-old man, seated behind the women, shot them before he turned the gun on himself.
"Police recovered the handgun.
"Police said that the man and one of the woman had a relationship. They also had a small child.
"The shooting occurred in a small parking lot on Ball Avenue NE."
Pair Hospitalized After Botched Murder/Suicide
"INVERNESS, FL — Citrus County Sheriff's Office detectives continue to investigate the stabbing and subsequent attempted suicide that occurred earlier today.
"According to the CCSO, Brandy Conley, a 35-year-old female of 10517 E. Patience Lane, was stabbed by Levi Humes, 29, of 6589 E. Haynes Lane.
"Humes, who is acquainted with the victim, left Conley's residence this morning to go to work. He returned a short-time later stating he left his wallet there. He stabbed an unsuspecting Conley from behind for reasons unknown and then fled the scene in the white Ford Explorer.
"Deputies spotted Humes on Gospel Island Road shortly after the incident occurred. Humes is said to have shot himself, and the vehicle crashed into a tree.
"Conley and Humes were both airlifted to Ocala Regional Medical Center. Conley is in stable condition. Humes underwent surgery and is now in intensive care.
"The investigation continues, and charges are pending in this case."
Source: Citrus Daily...
happy ending,
One Dead, One Critical In Hotel Murder/Suicide
"WESTMINSTER, CO — A clerk was killed and another person was taken to the hospital after a shooting at a hotel in Westminster Friday night.
"After shots were reported around 7 p.m., officers were sent to the Savannah Suites at 12095 North Mariposa Street, said Westminster Police spokeswoman Cheri Spottke. Officers found a female hotel clerk who was pronounced dead at the scene and a male suspect who was able to communicate with officers briefly before being rushed to a hospital.
"The clerk was identified as Antida Archuleta, 20, of Brighton.
"The suspect, Seth Wilkinson, 20, also of Brighton, survived his injuries and was reported to be in critical condition Friday night. Saturday morning Spottke had no information to update his condition.
"Spottke said police are not looking for any additional suspects in this shooting. They believe the shooting was a murder and attempted suicide.
"She also said the Archuleta and Wilkinson had a prior relationship."
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Killer Waits For Police Before Shooting Himself
"CALIFORNIA CITY, CA — A California City man apparently killed his wife early Saturday morning before killing himself, California City police said Sunday. The man has been identified as 76-year-old Bart Vanderlip and the woman as 51-year-old Sherri Nelson, both of California City, according to Corporal Ben Blanton of the police department.
"Police officers responded to a 911 call shortly before 5 a.m. Saturday in the 6000 block of Quezon Avenue from a man who said he had just killed his wife. When the officers arrived, they saw Vanderlip standing outside the house and armed with a rifle. Vanderlip turned the rifle on himself and fired one shot, killing himself. The officers found Nelson inside the house with multiple gunshot wounds. Nelson and Vanderlip were both pronounced dead at the scene.
"Autopsies are planned for later this week, Blanton said."
From The Bakersfield Californian...
"They Were A Very Normal Couple"
"KALAMAZOO, MI — Residents of the Milwood neighborhood were surprised when they found out a couple was found dead in their Lakeway Avenue home early Sunday morning in what police are saying began as a domestic disturbance and ended in a murder-suicide.
"Neighbors say the young couple has lived in the home in the 2200 block of Lakeway Drive for about a year and a half.
"`I didn't know them very well,` said Karen Morehouse, a neighbor. `They were a very normal couple. I had no inkling of anything unusual.`
"The couple had three young children, neighbors say. Police did not say Sunday whether anyone else was home at the time of the incident.
"Police arrived at the scene about 2:30 a.m., after being dispatched there for a domestic disturbance. Detectives were on scene investigating until about 1 p.m.
"Police won't say if weapons were used in the incident.
"Police also aren't saying whether it was the man, 25, or the woman, 29, who killed the other."
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Police Suspect Murder/Suicide
"COLUMBUS, OH — One person is dead and a second seriously wounded in a shooting incident reported on Huntington Drive on the far south side of Columbus that police say appears to be a murder and attempted suicide.
"The shooting was reported a few minutes after 4 p.m. One person. a woman, was pronounced dead a few minutes after medics arrived. A second victim, a man, was taken to Grant Medical Center with a gunshot wound to the head. He later died of his injuries.
"Police say their initial investigation shows the woman was the estranged wife of he shooter, attempting to get a divorce."
Couple Found Dead In Home
"CORNWALL, NY — A Town of Cornwall man fatally shot his wife and then killed himself at their home on Friday, police said.
"An investigation by State Police and Cornwall Town Police determined that Joseph Oliva, 58, shot and killed his wife, Sandra Oliva, 54, while inside their home. No one else lived in the house where police found both dead.
"The State Police Troop F Forensic Investigation Unit processed the scene. The Orange County Medical Examiner’s Office responded and ordered the bodies removed to Orange Regional Medical Center in the Town of Wallkill where autopsies were scheduled."
Two Shot In Crowded Casino Lobby
"LAS VEGAS, NV — A man shot and fatally wounded a woman, then killed himself Friday night at the Excalibur hotel-casino on the Las Vegas Strip, sending frightened patrons fleeing.
"Las Vegas Police Lt. Ray Steiber said the shootings happened at about 8:30 p.m. near the high-rise hotel's front entrance.
"Steiber said the man shot the woman, who was a vendor at the hotel's concierge desk, and then turned the gun on himself. The man was found dead at the scene.
"The woman was transported to a local hospital, where she was pronounced dead.
"Neither the gunman nor the victim was identified. However, Steiber said the woman worked as a vendor at the concierge desk, where tourists can get show tickets and restaurant reservations. He said the relationship between the shooter and the victim wasn't immediately clear.
"The shooting happened as the hotel's registration desk was busy on a Friday night with the National Finals Rodeo and other events in town. Steiber said patrons scattered at the first sound of gunfire, and no one else was wounded."
Killer Commits Suicide After Massacre At School
"NEWTOWN, CT — A man killed his mother at their home and then opened fire Friday inside an elementary school, massacring 26 people, including 20 children, as youngsters cowered in fear to the sound of gunshots reverberating through the building and screams echoing over the intercom.
"The 20-year-old killer, carrying at least two handguns, committed suicide at the school, bringing the death toll to 28, authorities said.
"The rampage, coming less than two weeks before Christmas, was the nation's second-deadliest school shooting, exceeded only by the Virginia Tech massacre that claimed 33 lives in 2007.
"Law enforcement officials speaking on condition of anonymity said that Lanza fatally shot his mother, Nancy Lanza, then drove to the school in her car with at least three guns, including a high-powered rifle that he apparently left in the back of the vehicle, and shot up two classrooms around 9:30 a.m.
"Authorities gave no details on exactly how the attack unfolded, but police radio traffic indicated the shooting lasted only a few minutes. State police Lt. Paul Vance said officers arrived instantaneously, immediately entered the school, searched it completely and found Lanza dead.
"In addition to the 20 children, six adults were killed at the school; the principal was believed to be among the dead. A woman who worked at Sandy Hook Elementary was wounded."
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Teens Found Dead In Home
"IMMOKALEE, FL — The Collier County Sheriff's Office says two teenagers found dead in Immokalee late Wednesday night were likely involved in a murder-suicide.
"Deputies received a call of a possible shooting in the 200 block of N. 6th Street just before 11 p.m.
"When they arrived at the scene, they found 18-year-old Coby Martinez Deleon and 17-year-old Natalia Trejo dead.
"Deputies say the bodies were in a small room off a rear bedroom of the house.
"They say Trejo was curled up in a fetal position with a gunshot wound to the right side of her head.
"Deleon was nearby. He also had a head wound, according to depties, and was slumped against a wall with a black handgun on the floor between his legs.
"Family members say the two had been dating for about a year and were living together in the home with Deleon's grandmother.
"Last night, Deleon's grandmother said she heard the couple arguing when she heard a loud `bang` come from the room.
"She reportedly told them to stop arguing and she was going to get Deleon's mother, who lives in close proximity to the scene of the crime.
"His mother and her husband went to the house to find out why the couple was arguing. That's when they found the bodies and called deputies."
Female Shooter In Critical Condition After Attempted Murder/Suicide
"WICHITA, KS — There had no history of domestic violence with the couple involved in a deadly shooting incident in south Wichita Wednesday night, a police official said Thursday.
"Officers responding to a 911 call made by the guardian of a 37-year-old woman heard a gunshot as they were preparing to enter the house in the 2200 block of East 53rd Street South at 9:41 p.m. Wednesday, Lt. Todd Ojile said.
"When officers entered the house near Hydraulic, they found a 38-year-old man in the living room, Ojile said. He had been shot several times and was pronounced dead at the scene. A police report identified the man as Hoang Tuan.
"Officers checked the rest of the house and found the woman in a back bedroom with a gunshot wound to the chest. She was taken to Wesley Medical Center, where she remained in critical condition on Thursday morning.
"There was no indication of a physical disturbance in the house, Ojile said. The guardian reported the woman told him they had been in an argument, she had shot her husband and she planned to kill herself.
"Information on what the argument was about has not been released."
Argument Over Finances Leads To Double Murder/Suicide
"CATHEDRAL CITY, CA — Investigators on scene of a double murder-suicide in Cathedral City left neighbors on Northhampton Avenue on edge Wednesday.
"Police discovered a handgun beside the shooter in the home and a written letter confessing to the killings.
"`The mother and daughter were both shot and killed in bed by the male, who then at some point turned the gun on himself and committed suicide,` said Lt. Chuck Robinson, of the Cathedral City Police Department.
"Police say the man found dead in another bedroom in the house, which he shared with the elder woman, was the mother's common-law husband. He reportedly shot the woman in the head, killed her middle-aged daughter and then shot himself.
"Authorities first got the call from the mother's adult son around 11:20 a.m. The son reportedly was checking on his family at the home on Wednesday morning, worried when he couldn't get a hold of them.
"`It appeared everybody was asleep in bed. So he didn't wake anybody up, he basically left, then he came back later in the morning to make contact and that's when he found them in their condition,` said Robinson.
"Family members tell police the daughter, from Florida, was visiting her sick mother who had only months left to live. They say her illness stirred up a fight over her finances.
"`Apparently there was some kind of a dispute over end-of-life financial arrangements. We unfortunately think it led to this tragic incident,` said Robinson."
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Killer Left The Front Door Unlocked
"CUMMING, GA — Forsyth County authorities have identified the victims of a murder-suicide on the south end of the county Monday night as John Vitkow, 65, and his wife, Nancy Lee Vitkow, 66.
"The identities of the couple were released after authorities located next of kin Tuesday night.
"According to Forsyth County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Karleen Chalker, a Mr. Vitkow called authorities Monday night after shooting his wife.
"`A man called 911 and told the dispatcher that he had killed his wife with a .357 magnum, and he told the dispatcher that he was going to leave the front door unlocked, and he was going to kill himself,` Chalker said.
"Deputies responded to the residence on 2665 Stonehill Drive in the Pines at Stonegate subdivision and tried to contact the man using a public address radio. With no response, deputies entered and found the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Vitkow.
"Investigators said the man told dispatchers that the couple had been having marital problems."
3 Dead In Holiday Mall Shooting
"HAPPY VALLEY, OR — A gunman opened fire inside a US shopping mall, killing at least two people and terrorizing holiday shoppers before shooting himself, police said.
"The Tuesday afternoon shooting rampage at the crowded Clackamas Town Centre in the Portland suburb of Happy Valley touched off panic inside the mall, with shoppers streaming out as police and fire crews arrived on the scene.
"`I can confirm that we believe at this point that there was one and only one shooter involved and that that shooter is deceased,` Clackamas County Sheriff's spokesperson Lieutenant James Rhodes told a press briefing.
"`In addition to that, we have at least one patient who was taken from the mall with a traumatic injury and at least two that were deceased in addition to the shooter,` he added.
"Rhodes said later that the suspect died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound and that police had not fired a single shot inside the mall. The wounded victim was taken by helicopter to a hospital where a spokesperson said she was in serious condition."
Source: Mail & Guardian...
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Five Hour SWAT Standoff Ends In Shooter's Suicide
"HALLANDALE BEACH, FL — A fight between a couple in Hallandale Beach turned deadly overnight.
"A woman in one of the condominium units of Park Layne Towers, 400 Golden Isles Drive, called 911 and told an emergency operator that she had been shot. She then knocked on a neighbor’s door for help. When paramedics arrived, they found an unconscious woman lying on the ground with a gunshot wound in her shoulder. She was rushed to a hospital where she died.
"Meanwhile the woman’s boyfriend, who police suspect shot her, barricaded himself in the couple’s condo.
"`Police department members then attempted to make contact with the resident of apartment 57 who were advised to go away,` said Hallandale Beach Police Chief Dwayne Flournoy. `The Hallandale Beach SWAT team and a negotiator [were] called to the scene and attempted to make contact. They couldn't make contact.`
"The standoff between the man and SWAT team lasted five hours. At one point, police fired tear gas canisters into the unit to force the man out. After hearing shots from inside the apartment, police entered the home and found the man dead.
"Police have not released the couple’s names."
From The Miami Herald...
"Quiet Neighbors" Involved In Attempted Murder/Suicide
"WAIPAHU, HI — Residents of a Waipahu neighborhood say the couple involved in Sunday night's attempted murder-suicide were quiet neighbors.
"Neighbors say the couple recently got married and kept to themselves.
"`It's usually quiet here,` said Rhona Ramos, neighbor.
"`It's a dead-end street, rarely people come here and make trouble,` said Jayna Muao, neighbor.
"But the scene at Apii Place in Waipahu, was much different Sunday night. At 11:00 p.m., police were called to a domestic dispute at this house.
"`As we come outside, there were a lot of cops, we heard people cursing and stuff,` Muao said.
"Police say 40-year-old Anthony Kaai repeatedly hit his 23-year-old wife in the head with a hammer. Neighbors describe a chaotic scene.
"`An older lady running out of the door and she was hysterical and screaming. And I heard a man say 'it's a hammer,'` Ramos said.
"According to police, Kaai fled on foot to the nearby Hiapo Street Bridge. That's where police tried to negotiate with him. They say he refused to cooperate, jumped, and later died.
"Police closed nearby streets as they investigated the incident."
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Two Dead In Airport Parking Lot
"CLEVELAND, OH — A Transportation Security Administration officer was fatally shot by her husband Sunday before he killed himself on an off-site parking lot at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, authorities said.
"Before turning the gun on himself, the husband fired at a second TSA employee but missed, police spokesman Sgt. Sammy Morris said. The late morning shooting at an airport employee parking lot was an apparent homicide and suicide, Morris said.
"No names were immediately released.
"Morris said the husband and wife were estranged, but investigators weren’t sure of a motive for the shooting.
"The wife and the second TSA employee were commuting to work; the husband apparently followed his wife to the lot, blocked her in her car by his vehicle, and then began firing, Morris said. The other TSA worker wasn’t hurt, police said.
"Morris said the wife and the other TSA employee, a man, were not romantically involved."
Friday, December 7, 2012
Driveway Argument Turns Into Murder/Suicide
"PAYSON, AZ — As horrified neighbors watched at about 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Thomas Easley, 70, murdered his wife in the driveway of a quiet Payson neighborhood, then turned the gun on himself.
"Easley died later at a Phoenix trauma center, but Payson Realtor Marjeane Easley died instantly in the garage of a house on Phoenix Street, where she had sought refuge in the midst of a bitter divorce from her husband of 15 years.
"Police declared Marjeane dead at the scene. Thomas was flown to Scottsdale Osborn Hospital where he died around 10:30 p.m. Wednesday night.
"The Easleys were in the middle of a divorce after 15 years of marriage. Marjeane filed for divorce on Oct. 23 in Gila County Superior Court. Divorce papers show that the couple owned a home in Gisela, however, police say neither Marjeane nor Thomas were living there at the time of the shooting. Family members said the couple owed more money on the house than it was worth."
Police "Stop Short" Of Declaring Double Murder/Suicide
"BULLHEAD CITY, AZ — Bullhead City police are investigating the deaths of three people, including a city employee, found in a Merrill Avenue home Thursday morning.
"The dead have been identified as Robert Bryan Ulan, 53, Valerie Jean Ulan, 47, and Jay Jeffrey Artz, 17, according to a city press release.
"Officers were called to the residence in the 2400 block of Merrill when Valerie Ulan’s employer reported that she had failed to show up for work at 8 a.m., city spokesman Steve Johnson said. Attempts to reach her by telephone were unsuccessful, he said, which led alarmed colleagues to quickly contact police.
"The incident remains under investigation, Johnson said, but police do not believe anyone else is involved yet stopped short labeling it as a double-murder followed by a suicide.
"`With the evidence we’ve collected so far we have no reason to believe this incident involves anyone except these three people,` said police deputy chief Brian Williamson.
"Johnson said authorities `have some suspicions` concerning the causes of death, but are not currently releasing that information.
"All three appear so far to have perished in the same manner, he said.
"Brian Ulan had been employed by the city since 1999, working most recently in the Wastewater Division.
"Artz, a student at Mohave High School, was a relative of Valerie Ulan, Johnson said."
Source: Mohave Valley Daily News...
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Murder/Suicide Was Planned In Advance
"VESTAVIA, HILLS, AL — Investigators say a restaurant owner who killed his elderly mother then himself in a case of murder-suicide planned the event in advance. Both victims were discovered in a bedroom with gunshot wounds.
"Investigators were called to a home on the 200 block of Montclaire Circle shortly after 9am Wednesday. Inside they found the two bodies. Police identify them as 59-year-old Dave Morrison and his 96-year-old mother, Annie Lee Greenway.
"Police would not confirm if a note was left but do say Morrison put his affairs in order before the event. They will not comment on motive. Neighbors had no reason to suspect anyone out of the ordinary.
"Morrison owned Dave's Pizza in Homewood. A sign on the business Wednesday and Thursday told customers the restaurant would be closed until further notice."
Recently Divorced Couple Found Dead In Driveway
"BANDERA, TX — A Bandera couple died this weekend in what investigators are describing as a murder-suicide. A 49-year old male, apparently shot his ex-wife, 39, before turning the gun on himself. Their names are being withheld.
"According to Captain Shane Merritt, the call to authorities came in from two people who were driving by the gate entrance to the couple's home in the 3000 block of FM 3240 on Sunday. Merritt said the passersby reported the vehicles were parked suspiciously inside the gate. Responding deputies discovered the bodies in the driveway.
"`They found one deceased male and one deceased female, both with gunshot wounds to the head,` Merritt said.
"Based on evidence, investigators believe the male used a .22 caliber rifle to kill his ex-wife, and then shot himself. Merritt said the case is pending. Autopsy reports have been ordered on both victims.
"The couple, who were married for eight years, finalized their divorce three weeks ago, according to reports, but still lived together. The woman's youngest child, 11, was at a neighbor's house when the shooting occurred. He was released to his maternal aunt. No other family member was injured.
"Police records for the apparent shooter include an Oct. 7 arrest by the Bandera Marshal's Office for possession of controlled substance and a Bexar County warrant for child support. He was also arrested in 2005 for public intoxication and a Bexar County warrant.
"Deputies responded to a domestic disturbance call to the couple's home in May, but no assault was reported and no arrests were made."
From The Bandera Bulletin...
Two Hour Standoff Ends In Killer's Suicide
"PINE CITY, MN — A standoff in east central Minnesota ended early Thursday with a man dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound and his ex-wife hospitalized after being shot.
"Authorities identified the man as 55-year-old Daniel Shilts and the woman as 55-year-old Dawn Christen.
"Pine County authorities say Shilts forced his way into Christen's home on Sunny Hill Road in rural Pine County around 9:15 p.m. Wednesday night. When she entered the home, Shilts confronted her and shot her in the chest. Christen was able to flee to the bathroom and send a text message to someone stating she had been shot by her ex-husband, and he was still in the home.
"The person who received the text message from Christen called 911, and authorities responded to the home. Deputies from Pine and Chisago Counties arrived on the scene and established a perimeter around the house. Numerous attempts were made to contact Christen by phone and text with no response.
"A Pine County Sheriffs Supervisor was able to make contact with Shilts, who exited the house and was standing on the front deck. He refused to comply with verbal commands to move away from the house, and eventually reentered the home and turned off all the lights.
"Chief Deputy Steven Blackwell says members of the Pine County SWAT Team eventually entered the house and located Christen, who was suffering from a gunshot wound to her upper chest. She was removed from the house and rushed to a Duluth hospital, where she is in serious condition.
"Shilts was cornered in the living room by officers where he threatened suicide while holding a pistol to his head.
"Over the next two hours officers of the Pine and Chisago County SWAT Teams attempted to convince Shilts to surrender but their attempts were unsuccessful. Shilts eventually shot himself in the head and was pronounced dead at the scene.
"Authorities say there were no active restraining or protection orders against Shilts."
Man Hangs Himself After Strangling Girlfriend
"PAWTUCKET, RI — A woman and her boyfriend were found dead in a Pawtucket apartment after a murder-suicide, police said Thursday.
"Police identified the victims as 21-year-old Federico Rico and 23-year-old Natasha Marshall.
"Officers were called to an apartment at The Lofts at 125 Goff Ave. by Marshall's father who said his daughter failed to show up for work.
"Police said they found Rico, who had a coaxial cable tied around his neck. The cable was attached to a railing on an upper level of the apartment.
"Police said Marshall was found dead in her bed.
"The state's medical examiner on Thursday ruled the death of Marshall to be a homicide. Police said she was strangled.
"Police said investigators found several handwritten notes in the apartment. According to police, the notes said he killed her first.
"Police said Marshall was training as a cadet at the Wyatt Detention Center in Central Falls."
Police Have No Answers
"COVINGTON, GA — Authorities have announced that the deaths of Robert and Lendene Dendy were the result of a murder/suicide. The manner and cause were determined to be gunshot wounds from a 9mm handgun.
"`Mr. Dendy's wound was self-inflicted,` said Newton County Sheriff's Office Public Information Officer Deputy Courtney Morrison.
"Apparently Robert Dendy shot Mrs. Dendy while they were in the bedroom of the home and then turned the gun on himself.
"Morrison said no motive for the murder/suicide has been uncovered, nor has the family been able to give what they think may be a reason.
"`That's one of those things the family will struggle with for a long time,` said Newton County Coroner Tommy Davis. `Unfortunately, we have no answers to those types of questions.`
"The bodies have been released to the family for burial, Morrison said.
"The bodies of Robert Dendy, 44, and Lendene Dendy, 39, were found by a family member at 265 Stone Ridge Way around 7:45 a.m. Monday and law enforcement was notified.
"Davis said the time line for the time of the deaths was sometime between the early morning hours Sunday, when the last known people talked to them and the time they were found on Monday."
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Killer Dad Takes Kid To Daycare Before Shooting Himself
"TRAVELERS REST, SC — A couple found dead on Tuesday afternoon died in an apparent murder-suicide, according to the Greenville County coroner.
"Coroner Kent Dill identified the couple as Michele Marie Wetzelberger, 41, and her husband, Dale Patrick Wetzelberger, 47.
"Dill said Michele Wetzelberger was shot twice in the head and once in the arm and died in the couple’s Travelers Rest home, likely on Monday evening.
"Dill said Dale Wetzelberger took their 4-year-old son to day care at the Travelers Rest YMCA on Tuesday morning.
"Michele Wetzelberger was supposed to be at the YMCA at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday to teach a class, Dill said. Someone was supposed to pick up the 4-year-old at about noon, and when no one showed up, the YMCA called police.
"Travelers Rest Police Capt. John Gardner said that officers went to the home for a welfare check and found the bodies about 1:30 p.m.
"Dill said that he determined Dale Wetzelberger died of a single gunshot wound to the head late Tuesday morning. Dill said the gun used was a medium caliber handgun.
"Gardner said the child is now in the custody of the Department of Social Services."
Woman Killed Trying To Prevent Suicide
"KEMP, TX — A woman was fatally shot Monday night in Kemp when she tried to take a gun from a suicidal friend, who then killed himself.
"Kaufman County deputies responded to the shooting at about 6:41 p.m. at the home of James Allan Nix in the 18000 block of FM 2613.
"Upon arrival, they found Nix and 21-year old Brittany Markham dead, according to the Sheriff’s Department.
"A witness at the home says Nix, 41, had made threats to injure himself. When Markham tried to stop him, the gun went off, fatally injuring her. The witness then heard a second shot while running from the home to report the shooting.
"Kaufman County authorities are still investigating the shooting, but despite initial reports the case has not been classified as a murder-suicide, a sheriff’s spokeswoman said."
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