Friday, July 23, 2010

Co-Worker Finds Bodies

"MERRIAM, KS - Police say they aren’t looking for any suspects in the deaths of a man and a woman whose bodies were found this morning inside a Merriam apartment.

"A co-worker of the man who lives in the apartment became concerned when the man did not show up for work, according to Capt. Tim Burnett of the Merriam Police Department.

"The co-worker went to Georgetown Apartments at 7200 Eby Drive, where he found the man and a woman dead inside, police said.

"Police obtained a search warrant and are still investigating this afternoon.

"Police would not say how the people died but said they did not die of natural causes.

"Richard Weneck, who has lived at apartment complex for eight years, was shocked to learn about the two deaths, but said someone said they heard a bunch of screaming earlier in the day."


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