Friday, March 30, 2012

Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch

"MANTECA, CA — It was a murder-suicide that killed the two men found in a trailer at a cattle ranch earlier this week, according to the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office.

"Detectives determined the cause of death through several pieces of evidence, a news release says.

"Deputies still aren't sure what the relationship was between the victims.

"Investigators are still piecing together many other details.

"`Initially, information regarding gun involvement was reported, due to a bullet casing discovered near the victims,` the release says. `Detectives have determined that a gun was not involved, but a Captive Bolt Pistol that utilizes a cartridge similar to a bullet was used to complete the deaths.`

"The trailer is located at Riella Farms, near Manteca and French Camp.

"Both men were identified as employees of the ranch.

"The Sheriff's Department was called in to investigate the bodies about 7:45 a.m. Tuesday."


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